Sabtu, 29 November 2014

Applications for typing in android

Applications for typing in android
You're looking for an application for typing documents has
become in android? Do you know that is not less
sophisticated android to pc or computer? Yaps, if previously
Applications for typing in android you often typing on a laptop using Microsoft Office applications Word, it is not much different diandroid there are also similar applications that can be used to type or create a document on your android phone, its no less comprehensive and complete, you may like the software ms. Office, with this application you can create documents with doc, ppt alias even power point, not complete?.

The name of this application is WPS OFFICE. You can
download this on google play store with keywords WPS
OFFICE. And this app is also free. So with this app you do not
trouble to create and read documents with .doc and .ppt even
that you can use to and run the power point slides. You also
can also edit documents with this application.

No less interesting is also the application can also be used to
open and read the pdf document types and also can create
documents with the PDF format. So applications WPS OFFICE
I think this is very helpful for us who like to process
documents using mobile phones in particular.

So what are you waiting gan, please download this free app
OFFICE WPS on the play store.